The past became known Cuauhtemoc Gutierrez de la Torre, leader of the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) of Mexico City, operates a prostitution service inside the tricolor. Girls catch prey in unemployment and precariousness; will be edecanes offer sexual services and the PRI leader Cuauhtemoc Gutierrez de la Torre; were recorded in the register of the PRI as secretaries for a salary of 11 thousand dollars a month they are paid with public money.
The research presented April 2 by Carmen Aristegui team of was made viral on social networks, and showed the rejection of the oldest party in the country that governs itself today. Five hours after the news broke, removed from office the PRI leader, and the next day a protest outside the PRI-DF was performed.
Over the days, the hole gets deeper. Gutiérrez de la Torre has a heritage of violence, authoritarianism and degradation.
* Trash Family

In 1987 he was murdered in his mansion by the order of one of his wives, Martha Garcia, 29, who practically kept kidnapped in her home. She, with the authorities showed no remorse and described the eleven years of hell who lived with him. "He abused my mother, my niece, the women in my family and always cynical, he had children he had and was already at 56. Centre he was five and wanted to get to 180."
Rafael Gutierrez was reaching power with money and violence, while penetrated the national PRI. Cuauhtemoc Gutierrez's mother, Guillermina de la Torre's "Garbage Zarina" is known for its network of exploitation and use of violence, as has been deputy for the PRI. This story reports on the inheritance of the current president of PRI DF.
* Political prostitution and trafficking networks
The relations of prostitution and trafficking networks with politicians are nothing new. On several occasions we saw complaints against former National PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution) leader Jesús Ortega and his favoritism with prostitution centers. While his wife Angelica Peña, PRD Senator, is one of the promoters of the new Law on Trafficking, which through the repeal of Articles 19, 20 and 21 makes no criminal liability on those who commit this crime.
In October last year we met the case of a Bulgarian girl who committed suicide in one of the departments of the Green Child (Jorge Emilio Gonzalez, PVEM [Ecological Green Party of Mexico]) in Cancun. The leader "ecologist" asked the governor to help not made public. One hypothesis is that the young woman who died was part of a group of young people brought for sexual tourism.
Or the direct relationship of various politicians and businessmen with the disappearance of young women in the north of the country, as review Diana Washington in his book "Harvest of Women".
This part of in recent years, violence against women in our country has increased unprecedentedly: a woman is killed every three hours with 20 minutes. At the same networks of trafficking and prostitution have been greatly strengthened, under the country's militarization and impunity.
This increase in violence is not explained also without degradation of living conditions, increasing poverty, unemployment and casualization indispensable for situations where women may be ever more poverty, violence and impunity. This situation was aggravated by the adoption of structural reforms voted with the approval of all parties in Congress mandated U.S. imperialism.
The degradation of this democracy for the rich shows that it is not a problem of this or that political garbage, but is reflected in a general treatment of women workers and popular sectors, he treatment is endemic. This situation highlights the ingenuity of feminists who believe that passes for "sensitizing officials, senators and congressmen" with gender workshops; speaking of progress in gender while growing femicide; supporting parties like the PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution) involved in trafficking.
From Bread and Roses in the Socialist Workers Movement believe that the only way to roll back this and really change the lives of millions of women, is by combative and independent mobilization of parties and institutions. The most recent lesson was for Yakiri, who with the active participation and mobilization of thousands of young women and we snatch these misogynist authorities, although this process is not yet over.
This is the way you have to drill down to get them to separate and investigate judges accomplices, and to ensure that all those responsible go to jail, police accomplices, judicial and millionaire politicians involved in the business of trafficking in women and kids. While it is necessary to fight against the criminalization of social protest and the dissolution of the repressive forces that are the main accomplices not only the drug cartels, but also prostitution and trafficking networks.
But while we coexist with a political regime is a mafia network of politicians, officials, police, judges and businessmen, these trafficking networks continue to proliferate. Not enough with the removal from office of Cuauhtémoc; must sweep all the criminal organization, genset in a political and legal system that uses exploitation of thousands of women and girls, to generate great wealth and riches.
The scandal networks operated inward PRI is just the tip of iceberg. It's just a sample of the place that has meant for women in Mexico. As in the case of the DF Yakiri or missing that abound in the country.
For all this, call to organize independently of the parties in Congress and the complicit institutions. To fight against human trafficking by setting up a large women's movement with the working class, students and poor people, fighting for our rights! Require a live appearance of young kidnapped by human traffickers, because our bodies are not sold or bought, because we are tired of working with poverty wages and poor conditions while a few fill their pockets, because we know that this employer government will not give us anything.Those who do not ask, but demand the right to Bread and Roses too!
BY: Alejandra Toriz Rebelión/Trash PRI